Thursday, April 2, 2009


Psalm 5:1-3 [ESV] Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my groaning. 2 Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray. 3 O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.
Psalm 5:1-3 [Message] Listen, God! Please, pay attention! Can you make sense of these ramblings, 2 my groans and cries? King-God, I need your help. 3 Every morning you’ll hear me at it again. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend.

The psalmist is calling on the Lord and there are four things to learn from him.
He called earnestly,
He called early,
He called with a sense of expectation.
And perhaps most importantly, the prayer was an experience.
It wasn't just words, it was worship.
David prayed in anticipation of the coming Messiah, the Savior.
I pray in acknowledgment of that same Messiah, Savior.

When I pray, am I consumed with me, or with God?
When I pray, is it usually before or after any given situation.
When I pray, is it because I want to, or because I think I have to?
When I pray, am I really praying to my King, and my God?
When I pray, does it cost me anything?
When I pray, do I really expect answers?
When I pray, what is my heart breaking for?

May my prayers always be more about you, than they are about me.
May my prayers always be more about others, than about myself.
May my prayers always reflect your will and not my own.
May my prayers be often.
May my prayers be sincere.
May my prayers be answered because of the love of Christ Jesus, and through the power of the Holy Spirit.
May my prayers please you.
Hear my prayers.

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