Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Psalm 28:7 [ESV] The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

This verse has been a wrestling match for me all day long. I started to write down some thoughts this morning about Jesus being there for me and me being there for him and then the Holy Spirit gives me this big, “REALLY!” Like really is the Lord your strength and your shield?
And the match was on; I’m trying to say YES, YES, YES! Knowing in my heart the answer is NO, NO, NO. So, after losing the match, and crying uncle, here’s Confessions of a Christian.

The Lord is not my strength, most days I don’t even call on Him for strength, I just live life.
The Lord is not my shield; if fact, I’m kind of disgusted by people who claim that He is.
People that call on His name like a lucky charm, or a magic genie, people that are wanting, self-focused, thinking they deserve some special protection.

Yes, my heart trusts in Him, and I realize I’ve been helped by Him, I’ve exulted Him, and sang to Him and given thanks to Him, but truth be told not often enough.

What would life be like if I tried things that unless He shows up I fail. - Then He’d be my strength.
What would life be like if I quit calling on Him for protection: “keep my family safe, healthy and wealthy.” and instead prayed to Him for power, the power to be bold, yet humble; godly, selfless, righteous

Father, I don’t want a shield that protects, I want a shield that professes, I want to hold it in front on me and when I do, people will see Jesus.
I’m not half the Christian I could be.
But I’m twice the Christian I was before I was honest about this verse.
Thanks for the wrestling match.
Thanks for the conviction
Thanks for the reality check.
Thanks for loving me even when I’m not loving You back.
Teach me to trust You beyond my imagination.
Teach me to try the unbelievable.

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