Thursday, May 21, 2009

Can you get to tomorrow without remembering yesterdays?

Psalm 77:6 [ESV] I said, Let me remember my song in the night; let me meditate in my heart. Then my spirit made a diligent search:
Psalm 77:6 [Message] I strum my lute all through the night, wondering how to get my life together.
Psalm 77:5,6 [NLT] I think of the good old days, long since ended, 6 when my nights were filled with joyful songs. I search my soul and ponder the difference now.

There is within this Psalm a cry for yesterdays. A cry for what was, A cry for what could be! I think of times in my life when I felt like I was one with God. Totally in sync. Times when a song or a melody drew Him near. Times when my heart jumped as I saw Him working in the life of a ragamuffin. Times when I wondered can heaven be any better than this?
But those aren’t everyday experiences. On most days I wonder if I’ve left Him or if He’s left me. On most days I find myself with less than, rather than more than enough. On most days I sense Him, I just don’t experience Him. On most days...

When I remember how He showed up in the past, I can count on Him to show up in the present.
When I’m not experiencing Him, it’s because I’m not reflecting on what He has already done.
It’s a dumb joke, “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side”
CHICKEN, Cross the Road!

When I feel distant from you, fill me with memories of all the times you’ve showed up.
When I stray, bring me back I pray.
When I wonder, fill me with your wonder.
The Bible says, “Knock and the door shall be opened”
I’m knocking!
Take me to the other side, allow me to experience your grace today.

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