Friday, May 15, 2009


Job 37:21 [ESV] And now no one looks on the light when it is bright in the skies, when the wind has passed and cleared them.
Job 37:21 [Message] No one in his right mind stares straight at the sun
on a clear and cloudless day.

Last night and this morning I was at a Prayer Retreat with a group of pastors from my home town. Last night we were sharing with each other “crazy” things we’d done in our lifetime. This won’t surprise you but no one said; “One day - in the middle of the day I looked up at the sun and just stared and stared.” No! that would just be foolish.
I’m glad the question wasn’t tell us something foolish you’ve in your lifetime. That list is funny, it’s sad! Acts of disobedience, failure to love, failure to care, unrelenting selfishness and arrogant pride. Who looks at the sun? Who sins with intent?

I sin enough without thinking - shame on me when I know better and sin anyway.

Holy Spirit,
Quicken me - often! always!
Lead me to right behavior.

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